5 tips on how to work as an electrician in Norway
Thinking about coming to Norway to work? Land of the fjords, where fantastic nature meets the urban and the industry. And where the opportunities for work seem endless. Working in another country may, however, seem a bit daunting. So, what do you need to consider before coming to Norway to work as electrician?
Moving to Norway to work is a great option that more and more people want to explore. However, moving to a foreign country is always a matter of conforming to local laws and regulations, as well as learning a new culture and possibly a new language.
In Norway there is a great demand for many types of skilled workers, electricians being one of them. Working conditions and salaries are only two desired benefits.
First and foremost, you have to get an official approval, which is your authorization and proof of competence to be able to work in Norway.
We want to make things a little bit easier for you. Here are five great tips if you want to work as an electrician in Norway.
1. You need to know about the DSB
In Norway, the authority charged with security and emergencies is called the Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning. In Norwegian this is called Direktoratet for Samfunnssikkerhet og Beredskap, or DSB for short. And DSB is key to being able to come and work in Norway.
The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB) reports to the Ministry of Justice and Public Security and maintains a complete overview of risks and vulnerabilities in society in general. This includes preparing and planning for emergencies, fire safety, electrical safety, hazardous substances, and product and consumer safety.
That is why anyone who wants to work as an electrician in Norway must qualify and seek approval.
2. Gather all required documentation
In order to obtain a valid work permit you need to gather and submit all the required documentation.
The procedure and an overview of everything you need to submit is detailed on the DSB website. To summarize, this is what you need to document:
CV or Curriculum Vitae – your work resume, detailing personal info, completed studies, and work experience.
Original and translated copies of your school report or education diploma, including courses and grades.
Original and translated copies of certificate of completed apprenticeship contract.
Original and translated copies of trade certificate in electrical subjects, or other certification of competence.
Original and translated copies of references from current or previous employers. As proof of at least one year of practical, relevant experience.
Copy of your passport.
You may also submit any other relevant or helpful documentation. All translated documentations must be translated by a state authorized translator.
3. Applying to become a DSB-approved electrician
Once you have all your documentations and all required files ready, go to the DSB website to submit your application. First, are you applying from a country within or outside the EU? This matters because the rules for qualifying differ.
Applicants with professional qualifications from a country within EU/EEA
Applicants with professional qualifications from a country outside EU/EEA
Then there are choices to be made based on the type of employment you are seeking in Norway. If you apply from within the EU, you must choose temporary or permanent approval as an electrical skilled worker or professionally responsible. If you apply from outside the EU, you must choose as an electrical skilled worker or professionally responsible.
From there you register as a new user and upload your documents.
You will receive a receipt by email with a reference number. Make sure you check your email regularly, as this is the preferred communications channel. This is also where you will receive your DSB-approval as a PDF, permitting you to work as an electrician in Norway.
Finally, forward the approval-PDF to your employer in Norway. Or to Toptemp (see next tip!)
4. Register with TopTemp for the best jobs and benefits
If you decide that Norway is a place you’d like to experience, we must emphasize the benefits of registering with a temp company, such as Toptemp. We will not only have the best jobs for you, but also offer a range of benefits geared at foreigners seeking employment in the country. We will match you with jobs that fit your profile, help you with a place to live, the right tools, and be your main point of contact for all job related and practical concerns.
We will match your CV and ambitions to the type of work you are interested in – long term, short term, onshore and offshore.
We have a vast portfolio of clients that are consistently in need of qualified electricians, meaning you have a great source of potential work, without having to search all over.
We have catered to foreigners working in Norway for a long time, having ready-made deals and routines to take care of skilled expats.
We will help you with living quarters and other practical matters while working in Norway.
We will be your main point of contact, no matter how many assignments or clients you work for.
Registering with Toptemp is easy. Do it online in a matter of minutes – just upload you CV (which you already have ready from the DSB process) and fill in your personal information. Register here.
5. What is it like working in Norway as an electrician?
Working as an electrician in Norway is probably going to be a bit different compared to outside of the Nordics. It depends on many things, and will vary from company to company, from assignment to assignment, and compared to your own experience.
In Norway, working conditions are mostly considered to be quite good, with decent wages and good working hours. Work in Norway is regulated and governed according to requirements for safety and general work conditions, making it safer and more predictable for all parties. Working as an electrician in industry is probably like most of Europe, whereas the greatest differences will probably be in the private sector.
Getting approved by the DSB is your first step to what could be a great experience. Once you register with a temp firm like Toptemp, you are on your way. Having a compatible or international driver’s license could also be helpful. Most people in Norway will understand and speak English, but depending on your ambitions, learning a bit Norwegian would also be beneficial.
… just one more tip
When it comes to learning a bit of Norwegian – it qualifies as a tip 5.5. Learning Norwegian is a great way to become a part of the workplace and local culture. It is also the best way to develop your own career and get even more, exciting work opportunities in Norway.
There are a wide range of courses in Norwegian, from free to paid, online, apps, or actual classes. For your convenience, we provide a random list of online courses and apps below. Disclaimer: We have no affiliation with any of these, nor guarantee their results.
Babbel – online course (paid)
Duolingo – online and app (free and paid)
Mondly – online and app (free and paid)
Norwegian Academy – online (paid)
Langoly – an overview and rating of various apps (free)